iTunes U Course: iPads Making an Educational Impact

As part of my responsibilities as a teachnology integration specialist, I train teachers and other staff on new hardware and software as it becomes available. Since we are investigating the possibility of a 1:1 iPad learning program for grades K-12, I new I would need to provide several different ways for my teachers to get training. Some choose optional face to face opportunities, but many would rather train on their own schedules and at their own home. So I built an iPad training course for teachers in iTunes U and have been trying to compile my basic lessons into the course as I deliver them face to face. This has also been a good way for me to explore iTunes University as a potential learning platform for our older students when the time comes in the deployment of the 1:1 project.

If you’d like to enroll in the course, I’d love to have your feedback! It is currently not listed as public course, so enrollment is by request only. You make request enrollment through iTunes U using the enroll code: EPF-JLS-4KE

If you have feedback, be sure to email me at!

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